A blog about infertility, adoption,and adoption loss which has finally led to a beautiful miracle who was worth smiling for."Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future."Proverbs 31:25

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Sunday, April 10, 2011


click above to visit the official NIAW website.

all information below taken from

What is is?

National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) is a movement that began in 1989. The goal of NIAW is to raise awareness about the disease of infertility and encourage the public to Take Charge of their reproductive health. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association founded this movement and continues to work with the professional family building community, corporate partners, and the media to:

1.ensure that people trying to conceive know the guidelines for seeing a specialist when they are trying to conceive.

2.enhance public understanding that infertility is a disease that needs and deserves attention. 3.educate legislators about the disease of infertility and how it impacts people in their state. In 2010 National Infertility Awareness Week became a federally recognized health observance by the Department of Health and Human Services. RESOLVE’s goal is to increase the conversation about infertility and to inform the public that:

•Infertility is a disease that affects 1 in 8 couples of reproductive age

•There are many ways to build a family

•Help reduce the stigma by bringing attention to the details/issues/costs surrounding all ways people diagnosed with infertility can build a family.

•Understand when to seek the help of a specialist

The Challenge:

RESOLVE understands that everyone’s comfort level is different when it comes to sharing your personal story, so we’ve created the challenge so you can determine how you want to participate. RESOLVE is asking you today to commit to the NIAW Challenge in one (or more of the following ways):

•Tell one person who you know will support you about National Infertility Awareness Week®. •Donate your Facebook status or Twitter updates by posting “April 24-30 is National Infertility Awareness Week. 1 in 8 couples are diagnosed with infertility. Find out how you can support them today.

Find the support you need.

Create an infertility awareness event in your area.

Volunteer for RESOLVE.

•Devote an entry on your blog the week of April 24-30 to bust a infertility myth.

•Register for RESOLVE’s Advocacy Day—travel to Washington on May 5th to educate YOUR legislators why people with infertility matter.

Ways to find out what is happening during National Infertility Awareness Week® is to: •Follow RESOLVE on Twitter •Become a Facebook Fan •Join the RESOLVE online support community


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